The Injured Can Improve Safety at Hospitals

On April 11, 2010, in Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

In addition to obtaining some redemption, via a monetary award, for victims and families of medical malpractice, sometimes nationwide changes can be made. It is becomming more and more common for plaintiffs to seek more than just money for their injuries. They are seeking sweeping changes to the practices of these negligent hospitals.

Recently, the family of 32-year-old Diane Rizk McCabe, who bled to death during a botched C-Section, settled their case with the responsible Albany, New York hospital. In … Continue Reading >

Whistleblowers Help the Injured

On April 11, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Whistleblowers are individuals who exposes wrongdoing within a corporation with the hopes of stopping it. Whistleblowers typically do not speak for selfish reasons but instead do so in order to help others. Not surprisingly, corporations do not like it when their own stir the pot and reveal inside, dirty secrets. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for corporations to find a way to fire whistleblowers. While there have been changes in the law to try to help protect whistleblowers, there are … Continue Reading >

Plaintiffs Awarded $11 million for Farm Odors

On March 28, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

A jury in Jackson County, Missouri awarded $11 million to individuals owning land near a Premium Standard Farms hog farm. The plaintiffs complained the smell from the hog farm prevented them from enjoying their land. Premium Standard produces 200,000 hogs a year about 80 miles north of Kansas City. The lawsuit resulted in an award of $825,000 to each of the thirteen plaintiffs, $250,000 to the fourteenth plaintiff and $75,000 to the fifteenth plaintiff. Fourteen of these plaintiffs received $100,000 … Continue Reading >

Save Punitive Damages!

On March 10, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Punitive damages, a form of compensation provided when gross misconduct is involved, are almost extinct mainly because people just don’t know the facts. A recent Wall Street Journal article featured Lanny Davis, a corporate lobbyist. Lanny argued that judges and juries should not be allowed to award punitive damages. His reasoning was that punishing a doctor for a negligent act, even if due to gross misconduct is improper. Lanny argues that the term negligence refers to an unintentional act and … Continue Reading >

Toyota Problems Continue

On March 8, 2010, in Auto Accident, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

On the heels if the giant recall, Toyota is now facing claims that the acceleration fixes are not working. Further, there exists strong evidence that the company tried to cover up the problems by withholding documents in litigation. For a company trying to polish its image, better decisions could have been made. What makes matters worse is that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations is severely understaffed and facing more budget cuts. Further, some states like South Carolina are passing … Continue Reading >

Types of Insurance Coverage

On February 24, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Automobile insurance is required in both Missouri and Illinois but there are many different types of automobile insurance. Understanding the different types of coverage will help you select what policy is right for you but it will also help you understand what you are entitled to in the event of an accident.

Property damage liability – pays for damages to someone else’s car caused by your vehicle

Bodily injury liability – pays for medical expenses, legal expenses, and judgments against … Continue Reading >

To the Adjuster, You Are Just an MRI

On February 3, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

The insurance adjuster is your opponent from the very beginning. He will tell you false and misleading things such as: “you must quickly accept this offer or it is gone forever,” “if you hire an attorney, we will reduce our offer,” “your car has little damage so there is no way you are hurt,” and “if you don’t give me a recorded statement, we will pay you nothing.” Sometimes the adjuster will flat out lie and tell you he has … Continue Reading >

Not an Alli

On February 1, 2010, in Defective Drugs, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Several months ago, the weight loss drug Hydrocut was recalled due to links to liver damage. The FDA is now investigating another weight loss drug-Alli, made and sold by GlaxoSmithKline. In 2007, Alli was approved as the only non-prescription weight loss drug. The FDA is reconsidering that approval. In June, the FDA noted on its website that Orlistat, a form of Alli, is potentially harmful. There have been adverse event reports fir Alli which highlight possible liver problems, including hepatoxicology, … Continue Reading >

Popular Strollers Recalled Due to Amputation Risk

On January 24, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Almost 1.5 million Graco strollers were recently recalled after several children’s fingertips were amputated. The problem is with the canopy hinges. When opened or closed by children or those with small fingers, a defect in the hinge itself is allowing fingers to be stuck and amputated. The recall includes Graco strollers sold at Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Babies R Us and other major retailers from October 2004 through February 2008.

Last November, over a million Maclaren strollers were recalled after 12 … Continue Reading >

9/11 Lawsuits May Provide Us With a Clearer Picture

On January 19, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

The families of those who were killed in the 9/11 attack are enitled to compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Most families have opted to take this compensation for their loss. Two families, however, have declined compensation from the Fund for their losses and instead are pursuing individual lawsuits against the airline security companies and others.

According to news reports, in order to settle, the families are requiring that evidence gathered during the lawsuits be displayed in writing … Continue Reading >

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