Missouri State University Student Killed in Crash

On December 21, 2010, in Auto Accident, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

A 24 year-old man was recently charged with involuntary manslaughter as a result of a Missouri crash that killed his pedestrian classmate. A man standing at a nearby bus stop observed a “muscle car” drive through a red light, narrowly miss another car, hit a section of train tracks and go airborne. His car then landed, slid into two poles, and then struck the young man walking on the sidewalk. The Springfield News-Leader reported that skid marks on the roadway … Continue Reading >

All Lawyers are Not Created Equal

On December 18, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Just take one look in the phonebook or on Google and it is easy to see that there are many attorneys out there looking to help you with your injury case. Whether you have been in a car accident, truck accident, a fall on a property, or injured by a dangerous drug, you certainly have a vast variety of Missouri injury lawyers to choose from. Before you randomly select one of these attorneys, however, you should do your research so … Continue Reading >

Most Missouri Car Crashes Can Be Avoided

On December 17, 2010, in Auto Accident, Truck Accident, by K. Lindsay Rakers

As I drove home to Springfield, Illinois today, I noticed countless drivers texting while driving. One driver, in particular, was swerving ahead of me on I-55 north and driving only about 45 MPH. As I passed him, I saw that he was looking at his phone. I looked back several times after I passed him and saw him continue to swerve in and out of lanes behind me. This was shocking to me given the layer of ice on the … Continue Reading >

Icy and Snow Lead to Dangerous Roads and Walkways

On December 11, 2010, in Auto Accident, Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, by K. Lindsay Rakers

St. Louis, Missouri and other midwestern regions are expected to receive snow and ice this evening. Although the weather reports do not call for much by way of accumulation, oftentimes, it is the small amounts of snow and ice that can cause problems. Black ice is a thin sheet of ice that is extremely difficult to see. It is termed “black” because when it appears on black pavement, the ice is nearly invisible – or black. Black ice is dangerous … Continue Reading >

What Missouri Drivers Should do in the Event of a Car Breakdown

On December 9, 2010, in Auto Accident, Truck Accident, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Given the recent fatal accident in Missouri involving a pedestrian and a tractor trailer, AAA spokesperson, Mike Wright, was interviewed by KSDK. Mr. Wright provided helpful tips for St. Louis, Missouri drivers in the event of a disabled car. Given the approaching winter weather, it is likely that drivers will be experiencing car breakdowns or even vehicles stuck in the snow or ice. Mr. Wright explains that if possible, the car should be moved out of the line of … Continue Reading >

Missouri Man Killed by Truck on Chain of Rocks Bridge

On December 8, 2010, in Auto Accident, Truck Accident, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Early morning traffic started out with major backups this morning and drivers headed to and from Missouri via east/west I-270 were faced with the closure of I-270 at the Chain of Rocks Bridge. It wasn’t until later that motorists realized that the cause of the interstate closure was a fatal accident on the Chain of Rocks Bridge between north St. Louis County and Madison County, Illinois.
All lanes of 270 were closed in both directions as the St. Louis Metro … Continue Reading >

Seat Belt Use Prevents Serious Injuries and Death in Car Accidents

On December 6, 2010, in Auto Accident, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Every 15 seconds, someone is injured in a car crash. Every 13 minutes, someone is killed in an automobile accident. However, seat belts save the lives of over 11,000 people per year.
Some states now have laws making it mandatory for drivers and passengers to wear seatbelts. I have heard people complain about putting on their seat belt, saying it is uncomfortable. I oftentimes respond by asking if it would be more uncomfortable to be thrown through the windshield. The … Continue Reading >

Movie About Famous Hot Coffee Case Selected for Sundance

On December 4, 2010, in Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

Great news! Out of more than 1,000 motion picture entries, “Hot Coffee” will be featured in the Documentary Competition at the Sundance Film Festival. The film’s director and creator, Susan Saladoff, deserves great praise for her endeavor. The movie is a documentary about Stella Liebeck, who spilled coffee on herself and sued McDonald’s for her burn injury.
Many people continue to talk about this infamous case stemming from serious burns to Stella Liebeck. Stella was not driving when the coffee … Continue Reading >

Fall From Porch in Lakeview, Illinois Results in Settlement

On December 3, 2010, in Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, by K. Lindsay Rakers

A 2007 New Year’s Eve party turned deadly when a 26 year-old male fell from a porch to his death. The male, a financial trader, was at a friend’s house in Lakeview, Illinois when he slipped and fell head first through the property’s deck. Just minutes prior, the male was sitting on the porch steps of a third floor deck on the back of a building at 3180 N. Clark Street. When he stood up to walk over to a … Continue Reading >

Missouri Cheerleader Dies in Drunk Driving Accident

On November 30, 2010, in Auto Accident, Personal Injury, by K. Lindsay Rakers

A tragic accident occured just north of Lewistown, Missouri this past weekend. An 18-year-old cheerleader from Highland High School died Monday morning as a result of of injuries she suffered in a single car accident on Route H. The young female was immediately transported to Blessing Hospital in Quincy via Air Evac but the injuries were too serious for her to survive.
According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the young Missouri woman was a passenger in a car that … Continue Reading >

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