A group of four individuals went out for a midnight snowmobile through a farm field off Prairietown Road early Friday morning. One of the snowmobile riders, a woman from Edwardsville, Illinois, crashed into a rut on the ground. The rut threw her off balance enough to throw her from the snowmobile onto the ground. She was rushed to Alton Memorial Hospital where she later died from a head injury. The Madison County Coroner reported that the victim did have both … Continue Reading >
As motorists headed on 44 east towards downtown St. Louis Friday morning, they noticed a traffic backup worse than normal. While there is always some traffic stop and go on eastbound 44 during the morning rush hour, it was quite apparent that something was wrong. I was actually in this traffic myself. As I approaced the merger to 55 north near the Poplar Street Bridge, I saw that the ramp was completely closed and at that time, I knew … Continue Reading >
A tragic accident occured today on Highway 67 north of Bonne Terre, Missouri. A driver of a semi-truck smashed into a car that was stopped on the highway. There were three people in the passenger car and all three people were killed from injuries resulting from the car accident. The driver of the tractor-trailer was driving on a revoked license. What’s worse, after the initial impact on Highway 67 and Berry Road in Missouri, the driver of the semi-truck continued … Continue Reading >
Two residents of Clarence, Missouri, located in Shelby County, were moderately injured Wednesday night. A female was driving a 1998 Honda with two male passengers. The Honda was stopped on Interstate 70 near Marshall, Missouri near the 79 mile marker because the car was disabled from a prior accident. Due to the prior car accident, the driver was unable to move the car out of harm’s way and thus, it was partially blocking the roadway. At that time, a 2011 … Continue Reading >
NewsChannel 5 investigators are reporting a horribly sad story. A man working at Kerry Sweet Ingredients at 8021 New Hampshire got stuck between two forklifts around 11:00 am this morning. The man was rushed to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center but did not survive his injuries. The company, Kerry Sweet Ingredients, is obviously in shock. My thoughts go out to his family, friends, and the co-workers who are all left wondering how this could have happened.
OSHA is investigating this … Continue Reading >
Auto accidents occur everyday in St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding areas such as St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles, St. Peters, Cape Girardeau, Joplin, Springfield, Independence, Kirkwood, Des Peres, Chesterfield, Jefferson County, Boone County. Just today, I read about several Missouri car crashes. Most of these accidents happened as a result of the dangerous weather we just had. I also read about a 5 year old boy who was injured in a 4-wheeler accident. The Missouri State Highway … Continue Reading >
I previously wrote about the various duties imposed upon Missouri and Illinois property owners in circumstances of snow and ice. Reporters from the St. Louis Post Dispatch read my blog and requested an interview. The article can be found by clicking on the below link.
This past weekend produced some horrific storms in our St. Louis Metro area. Several tornados were spotted and some Missouri cities were actually damaged by these dangerous tornados. Sunset Hills, Missouri, just a few miles … Continue Reading >
Some attorneys limit their practice to the more “complicated” cases, such as a product liability case or a medical malpractice case. While I also handle these types of cases on occasion when the facts are right, I’m proud to be a Missouri car crash attorney. Vehicle accidents are common so by being a Missouri accident lawyer, I am able to help a wide variety of people with their problems. Let’s face it, attorneys are really just problem solvers. You’re hurt … Continue Reading >